Saturday, 7 May 2016


A horse master once said go slow to go fast , well we all act as if there is not enough in time in our days but instead everybody gets 24 of them each day. In simple if you would do your tasks slowly, full of energy and correctly you  would have much time than you think of , rather than do things faster and carelessly and then end up  with poor work which requires us to start all over again and again. It would have been better if we did our tasks with much more great care than hurrying all over the place. We all know times waits for no man but where are you rushing to with your life, it’s yours own it control it live it love it exploit it but with one thing in mind, one step at a time. You of all people know what you want the most in your life so take your strides with care not at any moment overstepping so that you end up straining yourself.
        Plan your days in way that you will cross your bridges when you come to them, that’s for both short term and long term goals don’t try to cross a bridge that is one kilometer away with a single stride we all know you won’t make. A journey of a million miles starts with one step, mind your daily strides because they the ones that take you to your tomorrow and eventually to the future you dream of. To overrun to tomorrow  because stress arises from two major sources when we fail to complete yesterday’s work then carry it to today and then try to bring tomorrows work to today. For Christ sake my friend you will burst your brains and exhaust your energy reserves. Just stop procrastinating and start working today. Set your goals, you’re not in competition with anybody so please go slow. The only person and things you should compete with are the deadlines for your goal.
        I for examples sometimes find it hard to put these principle in practice due to the way I was raised up and the way I have been used to doing things but it always comes down to practice , because if you want to do something you have practice repeatedly in such a way that it becomes part of you. You must know how to prioritise your tasks in such a way that you know that one task that no matter what it must be done, and that should be the task that you start with. Of course sometimes tasks may vary in way that you are required to start with smaller ones that will eventually lead to the final task at hand, in these case you will reach the final task still with energy because you have set that as your main task and no matter what you must do it.
       Take your time success is not a destination it’s a journey enjoy the ride. As long as we try to plan our days into productive timelines we should also consider our happiness because that’s what we are here for. We all plan our days so we have a better and happier lifestyle, these is made possible by enabling us to do todays work today, stop procrastinating , and wait for tomorrow with optimism that it will bring joy in our lifestyles. Take your time to do what you love and makes you feel relaxed and calm even if it’s weird from the normal things people believe in. Sometimes it’s the weirdest things that make us the happiest people.

          Finally, these being my first blog I would like to say that it takes a leap in faith to start anything you want to do, get out of your comfort zone take that leap in faith and just do it. People fail to try because they fear the critics, the whole of my life I have never seen a statue for a critic, they are paid to find faults in your life, and keep one thing in mind no one is perfect. Enjoy your month, goodbye for now.

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